Had I never had an abortion—had I never personally bought into the thinking that if the “embryonic tissue” inside of me was simply removed, I could get on with my life and not be hindered by my “mistake”—how would I have responded to Jill’s well-crafted presentation designed to enlist college girls into the ranks of Planned Parenthood?
Excerpted from Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line by Abby Johnson
The act was done. The “problem” gone. The process had been physically painful, but I had no regrets. No sadness. No struggle over whether what I’d done was right or wrong. Just a definite sense of relief: Whew. That’s behind me. I can get on with my life now.
I slammed that experience into a box, nailed it shut, stashed it on a shelf in a dark corner of my soul, and pretended it wasn’t there. Three days later I resumed my normal activities. I told no one, not a single friend or confidante. It was a secret that only Mark and I knew, but we never spoke of it again. Not once. Several months later, we married.